Page 21 - 2014 Le Mag 2nd Qtr
P. 21
AKC Health News

Cancer is the #1 Disease-Related
Killer of Pets

Top 10 Signs of Cancer in Pets
from PetMD*

According to Dr. Lorie Huston,

she tells her clients to be on the
lookout for the following signs.

While these symptoms are not

purely indicative of cancer, if a
pet begins to exhibit them you

should visit your veterinarian

immediately. Just like with peo-

ple, the earlier cancer is caught
the better.

#10 Lumps and Bumps

#9 Abnormal Odors

#8 Abnormal Discharges
#7 Non-Healing Wounds

#6 Weight Loss

#5 Change in Appetite
#4 Coughing or Difficulty-


#3 Lethargy or Depression

#2 Changes in Bathroom Habits
#1 Evidence of Pain

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