Page 3 - LeMagSpring2015
P. 3

From the Chief Le Mag Wrangler

Some how spring finally found North America this year making it a tight race to the top among them. Geor-

year and now we are heading into a wet humid summer gie and Izzie are ASBC member-owner-breeder-handled.

on the east coast and a hot dry summer on the west.

The usual seasonal warnings for dogs are now in effect,           There is information on the BCA’s October national

being left hot cars which aren’t any place for a dog or kid       in this issue. Don’t forget the first time ever Hip Clinic for
(or elderly person either!( to be left alone. The southern        non-anesthetic hip xrays will be available by appointment
east coast has become a shark magnet and a number of              that week at a nearby vet clinic, headed by a Briard savvy
people have been attacked, Fish that are normally part            veterinarian. This will be on top of the usual health/educa-
of shark chow regime are camping in closer to shore so            tional clinics held on sight.
the inevitable is happening, up close and personal shark
encounters. They are indiscriminate and will happily chow                  Plans are also well underway for the first ever
down on a dog as well.                                            Top Twenty Briard Invitational event. This is a classy dog
                                                                  event that many other parent clubs have hosted in their
         As if Brucie the shark wasn’t enough to scare you        own breeds and show chair David Sullivan is bringing to
from the water (again), it seems that alligator-dog/human         the BCA to try out. Also new this year is a non-regular
encounters are being frequently reported this season as           Kennel Class and an unique Shave Down Class. David
well. Play it safe use the pool to cool off if you live in gator  and his specialty team have done a great job in fund
                                                                  raising for this event (ok, full disclosure, I managed to win
                                                                  2nd place in the generator drawing which was kind of nice
All this and flea/tick season too, oh my! Scary
                                                                  since it was cool more appropriate can it be

world out there for our dogs. Plus if you are in the south, than to pay your Briard’s handling bill with money from the

it is also Bufo toad season as well. They emit a toxin if a BCA’s raffle? Works for me! )

dog grabs one and the dog will need immediate veterinary          We believe it will be a fun and successful special-

attention to survive its poor choice in edibles.                  ty with all the new ideas, energies and events this year.

         AKC has sent notice of a new mini section of it’s        Hope to see many of you in Gettsyburg in October.
revamped website for breeders and canine health and                        But even before the National there is the Regional
breeding information. Some can be useful to owners as
well as breeders. The information is found at:                    in Canfield hosted by the MOBC. See details in this issue.
                                                                  Also MOBC is going to have a fund raiser with a new
                                                                  calendar. While it’s slightly past deadline to submit photos,

                                      you will know where to find that gotta have 2016 calendar
                                                                  at the MOBC. Check their website for price and details.

         Some gremlins were at work in the last issue. That                Unfortunately, I’m going to have to miss this year
translates into I really dislike the fun and games PDF files      at Canfield There is never enough time to do everything.
can play. The BCA National judge critique was a two page          And real life too often intrudes on our dog world altering
article with photos but the second page managed to drop           usual routines and plans.
itself out of the magazine after the final edit so the article
                                                                           Please note on the Table of Contents page that
is included in total in this issue.                               the new ASBC officers and directors are in place. Should

                                                                  you need to contact them, their email address are readily
The 2015 Briard Eastern Regional held in Harris- found next to their names. Phone numbers can be found

burg at the Blue & Gray Cluster shows is history now. We in the club roster which was sent to you earlier this spring.

have photos and results in this issue. One nice thing that

happened is that both the regular Herding Group and the

Owner Handler Herding Group were won by Briards. Izzie            Stay safe and enjoy the sunshine,
took the former while Ronan took the latter.                                 ‘Til next issue....

         From the recent news sent in, the Briard world

sends, condolences to judge Jane Forsyth’s family on                                                 Barbe
her recent passing. Mrs Forsyth judged the BCA National

Specialty back in 1999 at Purina Farms.

Three Briards have been doing a remarkable job

at shows this year. We have photos of all in our BIS show-

case page. Sparkles, Izzie and Georgie have collected

BIS/RBIS and a couple of BISSs in the first half of the

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