Page 55 - 2013 Le Mag 4th Qtr
P. 55
Many ASBC members live within a short drive of the for dogs. And the product lines don’t stop there, you can shop
NYC Metro area where a real treat awaits you and your Bri- at booths for human products, books, even a great deal on
ards if you would like to participate. Each Fall, the AKC holds NY Times subscriptions. The Animal Hospital of NY has a
the Meet the Breeds event at the Javits Center on 11th Avenue. large booth with a lot of helpful information and of course they
We are always looking for more Briards to come and take a have doggy, or kitty handouts. Sierra got her nifty neckerchief
half or quarter day slot at the Briard booth. from them at this September’s MTB.
What is a somewhat ‘secret’ is that besides getting So if you have a great Briard who is friendly and able
to meet a wide variety of people and show off your terriic to deal well with kids of all sizes, noise, crowds and other
Briard, you can also go home with a bounty of goodies for dogs, think about joining us for part of a weekend day at the
you and especially for your Briard. There are booths at MTB next MTB in NYC. If you have an interest, you can contact
just as there are at dog shows but the difference is that many Meg Weitz (, Barbe Lynch (bigtreebri-
many more high quality dog food companies set up at MTB. or Donna Morrissette (dmorrissette@snet.
They hand out samples or have products for sale at incredible net) to volunteer with your dog. You will ind the time passes
discounted low prices. so quickly at MTB. We provide you with the Free entry passes
Besides the food and treat companies there are many AKC gives us for our MTB volunteers and also with a discount
other booths that cater to the canine and feline crowd--yes ticket for a nearby parking garage. Plus, we provide snacks
there are cats at MTB so if you have a kitty who keeps your and soft drinks for our booth mates too!
Bries company at home, you can bring her some goodies to We hope you’ll consider becoming an MTB volunteer
share as well. Some of the dog magazines are on hand hand- in the near future, it is an important part of putting a positive
ing out samples of their publications, this past year there was a face on pure-bred dogs. AKC promotes the event extensive-
representative from the company that makes kennels---runs and ly and the daily crowds can reach over 15,000. Often the
large yards showing off their line of safe containment gear stream of visitors is constant from the opening at 10 a.m.
straight through closing at 5 p.m.

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