Page 59 - 2013 Le Mag 4th Qtr
P. 59
Relevance Clovis ended up being co-owned by Miss Fran-

or the Devil is in the Details ces Hoppin and Harold Ober, who bred dogs between
themselves for 12 years or so. The Obers bred Clovis to
by Barbara Lynch Dauphine virtually melding all the WWI era most notable

Every once in a while a list is published of the first French lines together in one litter, including a bitch pup
named Zelda (of obvious interest to this author).
10 Briards registered with AKC. It’s a list that dates back Miss Hoppin had an excellent rapport with a few
85 years now but by itself what really is important is what of the long time French breeders and continued importing
those 10 dogs did for the founding of Briards in America. as well as breeding dogs until her death in 1940. At the
Some of them did very little, or nothing at all. You could time of her death she had been awaiting a litter. After her
actually stop at the first name and have the most meaning- death her brother gave away many of the dogs and puppies.
ful dog in American born pedigrees. We’ll take a deeper One of the best known of her breeding was Travailleur’s
look at the long term effect of those dogs on future genera- Gauche, whose first owner sent him off to war with the US
tions. Army. Gauche’s story is well-known, and had a very happy
So for the stated purpose, here is the first 11 + ending: not only did he survive World War II in Europe, he
registered Briards list, followed at the end of this article by came home and was rescued into a dog loving family, and
a synopsis of the dog’s lasting breeding contribution: later had a Briard mate with whom he reproduced.
1. Dauphine de Montjoye To back up a bit, the premier breeders in France
2. Gentiane de Chevreloup at the end of World War I were Kremer & Werner of the
3. Regent de la Pommeraie Fief Royal dogs, Pierre Baron of de la Pommeraie, and
4. Citronelle de Montjoye Mlle. Raoul-Duval of Montjoye fame. Other well-known
5. Maxown Quebec older lines of the early 20th Century were Val d’Augas of
6. Amouk de l'Ille Saint Gildas M. Belorgey and Val d’Arque of Mme. Houet. The Pom-
7. Clovis meraie dogs were built upon Val d’Arque lines. Val d’Augas
8. Pavanne Kennels produced Jarnac, the dog who was essentially the
9. Biniou de la Torpic prototype of today’s Briard. Jarnac’s dam was a Montjoye
10. Falco bitch and he is closely related to Dauphine. Luckily, Jarnac
11. Sita de Saint Epain was bred a bit and Macmonnies sought to find dogs down
14. Timothy Jacobs from him. Citronelle and Gentiane were Jarnac daughters,
Pegase de la Pommeraie Pegase was his son. Jarnac was a grey-black dog with a
Polka rather modern look to him and many of today’s American
36. Nick du Fief Royal bred Briards can trace their lineage back to him through

Dauphine is the one to keep your eye on. Regent Citronelle’s and Pegase’s offspring. Bob de la Maudre was
a well known French dog who was Jarnac’s grandson. Bob
was famous for becoming the first Briard AKC Champion. sired Typhaine de Montjoye who was imported by Frances
He, along with half-brother Pegase de la Pommeraie, Gen- Hoppin.
tiane and Citronelle were imported by the same person, Biniou was another of Hoppin’s imports. He was
Wallace Macmonnies, who was a Chow Chow breeder and bred to Misère du Fief Royal belonging to Mrs. Albert
judge. His interest in Briards was relatively short lived and Whelan of Pennsylvania, producing Moustique, a male,
his dogs were given or sold to others who also used them who was bred back to his dam, producing a male pup,
for breeding. Melasse, who later was bred to the Ober’s Dauphine (x
Maxown Quebec is one of the three early Briards Falco) granddaughter, who was sired by Dauphine’s Cocoa.
whose registration would not have been possible under This litter produced Bastile whom the Obers sold to a man
less lax AKC admissions. She was born in Canada actual- named Gerald White. From there the early imported dogs’
ly (whelped while Macmonnies was working there). She influential genes were well dispersed through the several
too was sold off when Macmonnies divested himself of litters born at the Whites’ Westlawn Kennels. Bastile was
his Briards. Clovis and Pavanne are siblings to Quebec, a frequently used stud dog at Westlawn and to outside
along with another sister Maxown Mademoiselle (#15 on bitches as well, producing more than 60 registered puppies
the registration list if you are counting), had considerable (and probably many more since it wasn’t very common to
influence on the early establishment of both Briard dogs in register non-show or breeding dogs in the 1940s.)
the USA and breed type of the era.

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